Sunday, September 24, 2006

A Big Girl Now

Ranger took a little trip to Pet Co today. She's getting so big. Too big for my lap so we shared the seat. She got her dog tag, a new collar, a lead, and some treats and toys. There was a lot of activity at the store which caused a lot of tugging on the leash. But she handled it very well. Lot's of other animals there to greet with a little sniff, and maybe a snarl. She got plenty of pats on the head from staff and customers.

New pictures of her:
Patrolling the back yard.Cute little rump.
Sprawled on the kitchen floor.
At the front door with a couple of toys at her feet.


Lisa said...

She's so beautiful. How much does she weigh now? Indy just hit 20 lbs and all of her baby teeth are falling out...gleefully gross.

Cinnamon Thoughts said...

I love the pictures of Indy and you on the lake and with her sitting on everyone's lap.

We were at the vet the weekend before last for her last round of shots and she weighed 23 lbs. We haven't seen any baby teeth lying around yet. If we do I'm sure my husband will blog about it, with pictures.