From the West to the East and Back Again
After a frustrating attempt to set up a flickr account (which is apparently conflicting with a yahoo account I already have set up) I will have to continue to post photos here without a link to my flickr set.
However, my husband notes our boomerang trip from west to east and back with a link to HIS flickr set here.
The trip to Myrtle Beach was excellent. We flew Delta and all of the flights were on time and fairly comfortable.
Mom hooked us up with a cozy Ocean Villa in the travel park where they have the primo 3rd RV spot from the beach. Each spot comes with an open cabana and picknick table made from wood that has aged to a nice driftwood color. They enclosed their cabana in plastic sheating and made it comfy with quilts and coverings warmed by a toasty heater. The perfect dining room to feast on the Frogmore Stew Mom made.
Pre feast we visited over wine and football, post feast with pumpkin and apple pie and eggnog.
Will and I took advantage of our proximity to the sea and walked the beach to the north and south. Collected seashells, saw a jellyfished washed up on the sand, lots of birds; grackles, gulls, piping plovers (which are endangered), pelicans and a great blue heron in flight. The sea was beautiful and relaxing and the walk felt good. The air smelled clean and the water clear and sparkly.
Mom and Lorne and thier two cats, Red and Pamela, have been on the road fulltime for about two years. They've now decided to settle down there in Myrtle Beach and forego the road. I (selfishly) wish they had found a place closer to the west coast, but hey, wherever they're happy. Really, I might even go as far as to say it was a breeze getting there, even during the holiday. And I can certainly see the attraction.
Thank you for understanding.
With much love, Mom
Great pics!
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