Took a late morning trip downtown to meet up with some bloggers and a staff photographer for the L. A. Times at the entrance to the Grand Central Market on Broadway. I got Will to come with me (though he wasn't interested in participating in the piece, we also wanted to take advantage of the opportunity and get some photos and do a little shopping at the market).
I think I was selected by someone assigned to the task of cruising through blogspot's blogs and got the e-mail from Scott Martelle asking if I was interested. I don't know a lot about the article he's writing other than it's something about "Looking at Los Angeles through the prism of blogs". When I emailed Scott back letting him know I was interested I asked "why me?""What stuck out about your blog was the everydayness
(if there is such a word) of it,which is the thrust
of the story, how reading details of myriad lives can affect
outsiders view of the place."
There were three of us there; me, Heather (heathervescent), who I've met through get togethers with my husband (the real blogger), and Nate (Ensie), who when mentioned I checked out and added to my links, plus Ken Hively, staff photographer. Considering a location to shoot us with the downtown skyline in the background we ended up going to the Grand Avenue entrance and up the Angels Flight steps to perch atop a concrete wall while Ken shot us from below.
The late morning sky was very hazy but did begin to brighten up somewhat and let the sun and blue skies emerge. I hope Ken got some good shots. I guess I'll find out on Thursday when, I've been told, the article runs in the Weekend Calendar section.
When all was done at about noon, Will and I wondered back through the market picking up a dozen farm fresh eggs and a gallon of milk before stopping at a stall to get us a couple of Dolce de Lece ice blendeds. The market was lively and the produce stands piled high.
On the Broadway side of the fantastically ornate Metropolitan Water District building I snapped this piece of work.
After passing this piece of window display work.
I do hope the Times article is good. Not knowing much at all about the writer's intent if I can at least base it on the three of us represented there today I think it will be something I won't mind having my name and photo associated with.