Sunday, February 19, 2006

7 Weeks / 8 Pounds and Blue Skies

1.14 pounds per week.

In order to meet my goal, according to,
I'm about a 10th of a pound off my target weight loss per week. I've been considering my daily calorie intake as either low range - 1200 calories, mid range - 1500 calories, or high range - 1800 calories, and when I'm within those parameters I'm on the loosing end of my Sunday weigh-in. And that's right where I want to be, loosing, not gaining. Yay!

After some good rain this weekend, which produced blue blue skies and snow on the mountains in the distance, we went for a long walk to the other side of Silver Lake for brunch.

There were happy flowers along the way

and a yummy breakfast
burrito of egg and charizo with Mexican potatoes.

We took the long way home stopping at Trader Joe's for some greens and stuff, then a stop at Radio Shack for a battery. 2 1/2 hours on the streets and about 5 miles distance. A stroll in the park. Next week we're thinking about hiking up Mount Hollywood behind the Griffith Park Observatory. Oooooh and a stop at Trails Cafe for pie.

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